Thursday, December 11, 2008

O Christmas!

Christmas is aproaching!
But what most people excited about is not the birth of our saviour or about Jesus , rather it is more about holidays, a time for visiting native place for out stationed and much more… And some others were excited about the new clothes, presents or accessories they would get. Sometimes I do wonder what kind of world we are living. Being born in a christian family by name and not knowing that Jesus was born for us is a very sad thing.

It is time we looked around us, conscious of our religion, our important days and celebrate it in the way it should be, not on how we want it to be! Let us held hands together to glorify Jesus, and stop leading people towards grave. Let us remember that- we can either choose to be like the ‘shepherds’ who forget every worldly things for their excitement to welcome the Lord Jesus, to bow before Him, or like ‘the three wisemen’ who, instead of following the guiding star all through the way, rather rely on their worldly wisdom, and led to the death many children. Let us realised that while we a thinking that we are very smart and reliable, we can be into the process of bringing about the anxiety and even the destruction of the world around us!

May the Lord blessed us all to be a fruitful Christian.

Have a blessed X-Mas,2008.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


One of the worst week of my life is going to end tomorrow. I am so happy to experience the reality that nothing lasts forever or else, I’ll surely drop. I had skipped sleeping as if a had a sleep storing machine which does not function properly . Sometime we do have to do what we are suppose to do but not what we wanna do. I wonder what my face would look like. Its been so long I have really looked at myself in the mirror, not that I care but I just want to know.
Nevertheless, I do love the job I do and am really happy when I am working. It gave me an environment where I am left alone, unless I want to be disturbed or intrude upon. I thank God for the good things He had done in my life, which He is currently doing and whatever He will do in the future. I thank God for granting me the heart to understand that, Strife is a part of life. I am glad that I had to strife but still happy on the process. Outer appearanc e doesn’t matter much when we are happy with what we’ve got in our hands at present because life is made up of a chain of ‘presents’ .
Keep Smiling amidst tears and Be Happy!

A fuhte

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