Monday, September 1, 2008

I'm in love with you

here i am
truly yours still
for months i have been yours
for eternity i will be yours
coz you are the sun of my life
which brought love,
warmth and desire;
accompanied with light, hopes and fire;
to live and to wish
to achieve and achieve;
to live life,to love life,
to love and to receive,
to have faith and to see dreams.
we held hands and walk down

not only to the streets of neihbourhood;
but to the path which led to our hearts;
our dreams,our aspirations;
we have left our footprints on the sands of time
which wont be washed off ever
the moments we spent;and
the memories we share are forever
what was it like to you?

the moments we spent together
the moments we spent apart;
missing and thinking about each other.
give me a helping hand
to cherish those beautiful memories
and creating a better one..

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